Piston Pumps to Move Liquids or Compress Gases Efficiently

The pump – is the device (the hydraulic machine) for the pressure movement (an absorption and forcing) of liquids (not only water) or gases. Without the pumping equipment modern life is almost impossible. It is enough to tell that the pumping equipment consumes 20 % of all electric power produced in the world.
The basic characteristics of the pump is volume of water conducted by it – the quantity of a liquid moved per time unit, and also developed pressure or a corresponding to it pressure (complete quantity of the energy, reported to a liquid mass unit), power consumption and EFFICIENCY. On scope of application pumps are divided on domestic and industrial.
Domestic pumps use for water supply, heating and the sewage in inhabited and industrial rooms.
The industrial pumping machinery are pumps used in cooling systems, water delivery in various plants, facilities for water treatment, washing under a high pressure, foodstuff pumping systems, water delivery in boilers, pressure increasing, oil and oil products transfer, excited environments in chemical productions and variety of other specific operations.
One of the most widespread industrial pump – is trash pump. Trash pumps are used for pumping of huge amount of different liquids with a possibility if its purification.Although, such type of pumps are classified as industrial, there are many domestic variations that pump not so fast, of cause, but still are extremely useful in everyday life, especially in countryside. This pumps cost not to much, about 200- 300 $ and once you buy it – it will serve you for a very long time.
There are many types of the pumps differing by a action principle and a design. It is possible to secrete two principal types: volume pumps and dynamic pumps. In volume pumps the main element is the chamber that changes its volume. Such pumps have a lot of advantages. Among them are the possibility of actuation by wide variety of engines. And of cause, ability to work without filling inner cavity with fluid. In dynamic pumps dynamic forces prevail. It is typical for them a double transformation of energy, and they have uniform feed and steadiness of working process. Unlike volume pumps, they are not capable to a self-absorption.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4753536